جوايزنوبل شيمي تا سال2005
جوايزنوبل شيمي تا سال2005 برای مشاهده دریافت کننده گان جوایز نوبل شیمی تا سال 2005 به ادامه مطلب مراجعه کنید
In The Name of GOD
Nobel Prize in chemistry winners 1901-2004
Year | Name | work |
1901 | J.H.vant Hoff | Discovery of the laws of chemical dynamic? and osmotic pressure in solutions. |
1901 |
E .Fischer | Sugar and purine syntheses. |
1903 | S.Arrhenius | Electrolytic theory of dissociation. |
1904 | W.ramsay | Discovery of the inert gaseous elements in air and their place in the periodic system. |
1905 | A.Von.Baeyer | Advancement of organic chemistry and the chemical industtry through work on organic dyes and hydroaromatic compounds. |
1906 | H.Moissan | Isolation of the element fluorine and development of the electric furnace. |
1907 | E.Buchner | Biochemical researches and the discovery of cell-freefermention. |
1908 | E.Ratherford | Investigations into the disintegration of the elements and the chemistry of radiactive substances. |
1909 | W.Ostwald | Work on catalysis and investigations into the fundamental principlesgoverning chemical equilibria rates of reaction. |
1910 | O.Wallach | Pioneer work in the field of alicyclic compounds. |
1911 | Marie Curie | Discovery of the elementsradium and polonium, theisolation of radium, and the stydy of thenature and compounds of this remarkable element. |
1912 | V.Grignard
P.sabatier |
Discovery of the Grignard reagent.
Method of hydro genating organic compounds in the presece? of finely disintegrated metals. |
1913 | A.Werner | Work on the linkage of atoms in molecules which has throwm new light on earlier investigations and opened? up new fileds of research especially in inorganic chemistry. |
1914 | T.W.Richards | Accurate determination of the atomic weight of a large number of chemical elements. |
1915 | R.Willstatter | Plant pigments, especially chlorlphyll. |
1916 | Not awarded | ********************************* |
1917 | Not awarded | ********************************* |
1918 | F.Haber | The synthesis of ammonia from its elements. |
1919 | Not awarded | ********************************* |
1920 | W.Nernst | Work in thermochemistry. |
1921 | F.Soddy | Contributions to knowledge of the chemistry of radioactive substances and investigations into the origin and nature of isotopes. |
1922 | F.W.Aston | Discovery,by means of the mass spectrograph of isotopes in a number of non radioactive elements and for enunciation of the whole number rule. |
1923 | F.Pregl | Invention of the method of microanalysis of oganic substances. |
1924 | Not award | *********************************** |
1925 | R.Zsigmondy | Demmonstration of the heterogeneous nature of colloid solutions by methods which have since become fundamental in modern colloid chemistry. |
1926 | T.Svedberg | Work on disperse systems. |
1927 | H.Wieland | Constitution of the bile acid and related substances. |
1928 | A.Windaus | Constitution of the sterols and their connection with the vitamins. |
1929 | A.Harden | Investigations on thefermentation of sugarsand fermentative enzymes. |
1930 | H.Fischer | The costitution of haemin??????? and chlorophyll and especially for the synthesis of haemin. |
1931 | C.Bosch? F.Bergius | The invention and development of chemical high pressure methods. |
1932 | I.Langmuir | Discoveries and investigations in surface chemistry. |
1933 | Not awarded | ********************************* |
1934 | H.C.Urey | Discovery of heavy hydrogen. |
1935 | F.Joliot
Irene Joliot-Curie |
Synthesis of new radioactive element |
1936 | P.Debye | Contributions to knowledge of molecular structure through investigations on dipole moments and on the diffraction of x-rays and electrons in gases. |
1937 | W.N.Haworth
P.Karrer |
Investigations on carbohydrates and vitamin C .
Investigations of carotenoids,vitamins A andB2 |
1938 | R.Kuhn | Work on carotenoids and vitamins. |
1939 | A.F.J.Butenandt()
L.Ruzicka |
Work on sexhormones. |
1940 | Not awarded | *********************************** |
1941 | Not awarded | *********************************** |
1942 | Not awarded | *********************************** |
1943 | G.Hevesy | Use ofisotopes as tracers in the study of chemical processes. |
1944 | O.Hahn | Discovery of the fissionof havy nuclei. |
1945 | A.J.Virtanen | Research and inventions in agricultural and nutrition chemistry ,especially fodder preservation. |
1946 | J.B.Sumner
J.H.Northrop and W.M.Stanley |
Discovery that enzymes can be crystallized. |
1947 | R.Robinson | Investigations on especially the alkaloids. |
1948 | A.W.K.Tiselius | Electrophoresis andadsorption analysis, especially for discoveries concerning the complex nature of the serumproteins. |
1949 | W.F.Giauque | Contributions in the field of chemical thermodynamics, particularly concerning the behaviour of substances at extremely low temperatures. |
1950 | O.Diels | Discovery and development of the diene synthesis. |
1951 | E.M.McMillan
G.T.Seaborg |
Discoveries in the chemistry of the transuranium elements. |
1952 | A.J.P.Martin | Invention of partition chromatography. |
1953 | H.Staudinger | Discoveries in thefield of macomolecular chemistry. |
1954 | L.Pauling, | Research into the nature of the chemical bond and its application to?? |
1955 | V.du Vigneaud | Biocemically important sulfur compounds. |
1956 | C.N.Hinshelwood
N.N.Semenov |
The mechanism of chemical reactions. |
1957 | A.Todd | Nucleotides and nucleotide co-enzymes. |
1958 | F.Sanger | The structure of proteins. |
1959 | J.Heyrovsky | Discovery and development of the polarographic method of analysis. |
1960 | W.f.Libby | Use of carbon 14 for age deermination in archeology,geology,geophysics and?? |
1961 | M.Calvin | Research on the carbon dioxide assimilation in plants. |
1962 | J.C.Kendrew
M.f.Perutz |
The structures of globular proeins. |
1963 | K.Ziegler | The chemistry and technology of high polymers. |
1964 | Dorothy Crowfool Hodgkin | Determinations by X-ray techniques of the structures of important biochemical subestances. |
1965 | R.B.Woodwar | Outstanding achievements in organic synthesis. |
1966 | R.S.Mulliken | Fundamental work concerning chemical bonds and?. |
1967 | M.Eigen(Gottingen)&R.G.W.Norris
(Cambridge)&G.Poter |
Studies o extremly fast? chemical reaction. |
1968 | L.Onsager | Thermodynamics. |
1969 | O.hassel(Oslo)&D.H.R.Barton | Development of the concept of conformation and itsapplication in chemistry. |
1970 | L.F.Leloir | Discovery of sugar nucleotides. |
1971 | G.Herzberg | Contributions to the knowledge of electronic structure and geomety of molecules,?. |
1972 | C.B.Anfinsen
S.Moore&W.H.Stein |
Concerning the connection between amino asid sequence and the biologically active conformation.
Contributions to the understandingbof the connection between chemical structureband catalytic activity of the active centre of the ribonuclease molecule. |
1973 | E.O.Fischer
G.Wilkinson |
Pioneering work ,performed independently,on the chemistry of the organometallic so- called sandwich compounds. |
1974 | P.J.Flory | Fundamental achievements both theoretical and experimental in the physical chemistry of macromolecules. |
1975 | J.W.Cornforth | Astereochemistry of enzyme-catalysed reactions. |
1976 | W.N.Lipscomb | Studies on the structure of boranes illuminating problems of chemical bonding. |
1977 | I.Prigogine | Thermodynamics. |
1978 | P.Mitchell | Contributions to the understanding of biological energy transfer through the formulation of the chemiosmotic theory. |
1979 | H.C.Brown
G.Witting |
For their development of boron and phosphorus compounds?.. |
1980 | P.Berg | The biochemistry of nucleic acids?. |
1981 | W.Gilbert
F.Sanger |
Quantum mechanical studies of chemical reactivity. |
1982 | K.*****ui
R.Hoffmann |
Development of crystallographic electron microscopy and the structural elucidation of biologically important nuclei acid-protein complexes. |
1983 | H.Taube | Mechanisms of electron transfer reactions of metal complexes. |
1984 | R.B.Merrifield | Development of methodologynfor the synthesis of peptides on a solid matrix. |
1985 | H.A.Hauptman
J.Karle |
Outstandingachievements in the development of direct methods for the determination of crystal structures. |
1986 | D.R.Herschbach
Y.T.Lee J.C.Polanyi |
Contributions concerning the dynamics of chemical elementary processes. |
1987 | D.J.Cram
J.M.Lehn C.J.Pedersen |
For their development and use of molecules with structure specific interactionsof high selectivity. |
1988 | j.Deisenhofer
R.Huber H.Michel |
Determination of the tree dimensional structure of a photosynthetic reaction centre |
1989 | S.Altman | Discovery of the catalytic properties centre. |
1990 | E.J.Corey | Development of the theory and methodology of organic synthesis. |
1991 | R.R.Ernest | Contributions to the development of the methodology of high resolution nmr spectroscopy. |
1992 | R.A.Marcus | Contributions to the theory of electrons transfer reactions in chemical systems. |
1993 | K.B.Mullis | For his fundamental contributions to the establishment of oligonucleotide-based ,site-directed mutagenesis and its development for protein studies. |
1994 | G.A.Olah | Contributions to carbocation chemistry. |
1995 | P.Crutzen
M.Molina(Massachusets Institute of Tecnology) F.S.Rowland |
Work in atmospheric chemistry. Particularly concerning the formation and decomposition of ozone. |
1996 | R.F.Curl
H.krot |
Discovery of a new form of carbons, the fullerenes. |
1997 | P.D.Boyer
J.Walker J.C.Skou |
their elucidation of the enzymatic mechanism underlying the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
he first discovery of an ion-transporting enzyme, Na+, K+-ATPase. |
1998 | W.Kohn
J.Pople |
development of the density-functional theory
development of computational methods in quantum chemistry. |
1999 | A.zewail | studies of the transition states of chemical reactions using femtosecond spectroscopy. |
2000 | A.J.Heeger
A.G.Macdiarmid H.Shirakawa |
discovery and development of conductive polymers. |
2001 | W.S.Knowles
?K.B.Sharpless R.Noyori |
for their work on chirally catalysed hydrogenation reactions
his work on chirally catalysed oxidation reactions |
2002 | J.B.Fenn
K.Tanaka K.Wuthrich |
development of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for determining the three-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules in solution. |
2003 | P.Agre
R.Mackinnon |
the discovery of water channels
for structural and mechanistic studies of ion channels. |
2004 | A.Ciechanover
A.Hershko I.Roze |
discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation |
2005 | ||